Boys’ & Girls’ Day

at BKG Bunse-Aufzüge

Report from Boys and Girls day

Girls' Day and Boys' Day is an event that takes place once a year. Girls have the chance to find out more about careers in the craft industry and the so-called MINT sector. MINT stands for maths, computer science, natural sciences and technology. Boys are given an insight into social and healthcare professions (SAHGE jobs).

Yesterday, we at BKG Bunse-Aufzüge had the pleasure of welcoming three talented schoolgirls, Marie, Marie and Coline (yes, 2x Marie), and a pupil called Jonathan. The girls were part of the Girls Day and focussed on the area of mechanical engineering.

Our day began with a short introduction, followed by a tour through our offices, where the pupils were able to get to know the various departments. They were then given an insight into our sales department and learnt more about our customer enquiries, our global deliveries and the related challenges. They were then given an insight into our sales department and learnt more about our customer enquiries, our global deliveries and the related challenges. They also got an insight into various global projects and visited our design department, where they were able to see how lifts are designed and even had the chance to work with the CAD tool themselves. Meanwhile, Jonathan visited our electrical production department, where he lent a helping hand.

In the afternoon, there was an informative tour around our production facility with lots of explanations.

To round things off, Marie and Coline were able to design a new advertising banner together to promote our company holidays for the summer and winter. Coline had previously done this task alone, but this time they worked together. We are already looking forward to presenting the banner from June and perhaps being able to tell a little story about it.